Discerning a year of service and leadership development is a big decision, and we are here for you every step of the way. Our application process is designed to ensure you have all the agency, offering you opportunities to reflect on your wants and needs and make the best decision for you. Our applicants need not commit to Amate House before knowing where and with whom you’ll be working.
Stage 1: Get Started
Complete and submit our Stage 1 application below and participate in an informal one-on-one Q&A with our Recruitment and Communications Coordinator.
Stage 2: Next Steps
Complete and submit our in-depth Stage 2 application and participate in a formal interview with our Amate House staff, including our Recruitment and Communications Coordinator and Program Formation Coordinator. Our team will review all application materials, including references and resumes, and make final decisions around your application status.
Stage 3: Placement
Upon formal acceptance into the Amate House program, our staff will make site recommendations to you based on your interests. From here, you can begin exploring the curated job descriptions of our site partners and prepare to interview with them independently.
Stage 4: Commitment
After interviewing with our site partners that meet your personal interests, Amate House will communicate directly with each site regarding your candidacy and send you official offers. Upon receiving offers from one or more of our site partners, your discernment process begins anew. Candidates will have 2-business days to decide whether to accept or decline an offer.