Our Mission is Your Mission
Every year Amate House recruits young adults who dedicate a year of their lives to service, community, and faith. The fellows serve under-resourced and low-income communities throughout the city of Chicago in a variety of fields such as education, social services, legal aid, public health, youth ministry, case management, elder care, and refugee and immigrant services.
The site contribution helps Amate House cover health insurance, living expenses, transportation, and a monthly stipend for your agency’s fellow. At a fraction of the cost of a full-time employee, you’ll have the opportunity to utilize a motivated, service-oriented recent college graduate (or individual with equivalent life experience) for full-time employment from August through June.
Interested in becoming an Amate House site partner? Contact Jeannie Balanda, Executive Director, at jbalanda@amatehouse.org or by phone at 773-376-2445.
Previous Site Partners

A Partnership Rooted in Shared Values
Get a glimpse into the life of 20-21 Amate House fellow, Vilma Fermin, and her work with our newest site partner, LINK Unlimited Scholars.
”Cabrini Green Legal Aid (CGLA) has had an Amate fellow as part of our team for the past several years. They serve as our Volunteer Coordinator, recruiting, training and managing the integration of over 450 volunteers a year in our agency. The position is hugely important to our ability to provide free legal services for those most in need in Chicago, and it requires a person who can quickly adapt to the fast-paced work environment. Amazingly, every year we have another high-quality, outstanding Amate fellow fill this position. Their heart for service, combined with their stellar abilities and willingness to learn and grow, in a professional environment, are a perfect fit for CGLA. We’re grateful for the Amate fellows of the past and present, as well as the knowledge that we will continue to have outstanding individuals be part of our work in the future through our participation in Amate.
Laura ZumdahlCabrini green Legal Aid
”I cannot imagine Taller de José without Amate fellows. Since our beginning in 2008, we have been blessed to have an Amate fellow ministering here. Taller de José is a resource center located in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood which accompanies and connects people to services. Amate fellows have served as compañeras, the persons who meet individually with the people in need, listening compassionately to their story, helping them to feel safe and cared for, and most importantly find the services/resources that will assist them. Our Amate fellows also helped to create relationships between Taller de José and other agencies. Having the creativity, skills, and enthusiasm of the Amate fellows has helped us to develop our organizational structure, strategic plan, and marketing. The best part of Amate fellows is their sincere desire for service, their loving attention to the clients we serve, and the “spark of life” they bring to the staff. I highly recommend partnering with Amate House. These young adults truly live the Gospel and bring God’s love and compassion into the world.
Sr. Kathy BrazdaTaller de José
”When I became an Amate House fellow in 1998, I worked as a teacher at St. Agnes of Bohemia School in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood. I lived with a fantastically dedicated group of 13 other young adult volunteers, all of whom worked at different sites around the city of Chicago. Although I am no longer a fellow, I continue to work at St. Agnes of Bohemia. Now I am one of the school’s co-principals. When I became an administrator, I realized just how much you need many talented, hardworking people to build a great school. I have found that Amate House fellows are those key people who you especially appreciate having on staff. They have a deep commitment to faith, service and the well-being of children. I look forward to a continued relationship between St. Agnes of Bohemia and Amate House.
Rachel JohnsonSt. Agnes of Bohemia School
Become an Amate House Site Partner
Are you interested in learning more about having a fellow work at your organization? Contact us to learn how an Amate House fellow can expand your organization’s capacity to serve others.