Join us for our Alumni & Friends Winter Retreat!
The Amate Associate Board invites you to join us for our winter retreat. This year’s theme will be Creativity and Contemplation, and the retreat will be led by Sister Julia Walsh, FSPA. Sister Julia is the founder of The Fireplace intentional community, located in Chicago.
We are asking for a donation of $5.00 per participant to provide a stipend for Sister Julia. Please consider participating in this time of reflection and fellowship!

Event Details
Surviving these complex times can be taxing and isolating work, leaving us drained of energy and inspiration. At this retreat, we’ll explore contemplative and creative practices that could fuel our passion for justice and service. All are welcome to explore the challenges of depth and growth in the midst of a supportive community. Through a combination of prayer, techniques, and discussion, we’ll explore how contemplation and creativity pair together to invigorate the life of those who seek justice.
- When: Saturday, February 12th from 10am-1pm
- Register: sign-up here for this virtual event! You’ll receive a confirmation email, Zoom link, and virtual workshop materials in advance of the training.
- Fee: We’re asking for a small registration fee of $5 to compensate workshop facilitators for their time.
- About Sister Julia Walsh, FSPA: Sister Julia Walsh is a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration and part of a new generation of Catholic Sisters. She’s often writing about the messiness of following Jesus and being Catholic and doesn’t hesitate to ask important questions. This joyful, wild Jesus-lover can be found visiting jails, leading retreats, companioning spiritual seekers, advocating for peace, teaching about social justice, praying in the chapel, or camping in the woods. Sister Julia returned to Chicago in August 2019 and became a certified spiritual director through the Claret Center in May 2020. That same year, she joined her congregation’s formation team, serving women who are discerning their vocation. In 2021 she co-founded The Fireplace, an intentional community and house of hospitality on Chicago’s southside that offers spiritual support to artists and activists.In addition to writing, serving as a spiritual director, companioning people who are discerning their vocations, facilitating retreats, and managing Messy Jesus Business blog and podcast, Sister Julia also volunteers at Kolbe House, the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Jail Ministry Center. Sister Julia enjoys hiking, camping, watching movies, gardening, creating and taking in art, cooking, traveling and spending time with her community, family and friends. On a sunny day in Chicago, she can be found riding her bicycle throughout the city and writing poetry about her relationship with God.